New Year! Last December Update.

It’s a new year! Glory to God that 2022 is over and done with. *side eyes the previous three years* it wasn’t the best but then again some great things happened admist the dumpster fire.
Like the fact that I’ve almost gotten draft 2 of Starry Subject up to date!! Draft 2 has been a lovely work of love and tears but it’s finally near the tricky middle that draft 1 was stuck in!
To those who don’t know: I had a bunch of plot holes and character inconsistencies in draft 1 that I had to fix before being able to complete/move on with the story! It’s like if you tried to build a house on a rickety foundation . . . It would collapse and all your hard work would be for naught.
Plus going back to the beginning and tweaking things—and cutting scenes and adding new ones—really helped me with knowing which fork in the road to take later on in the plot/story.
So to recap: Starry Subject is sitting pretty in draft 2 at 243 pages/95,311 words!
:O wow. I wrote half of that in one month!! NaNoWriMo/Kings Daughter’s Writing Camp helped me a ton.
I didn’t write much in my other WIPs last year due to focusing on Starry Subject but I did write a bit of fanfiction. Mostly Pretender and Signed Sealed Delivered. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll post some of it once I complete one.
‘Till next month!
~Tiffany Michele

A Starry Subject: An action adventure story with a kick of sci-fi and fantasy. Set in an alternate present day world we follow Cindy West and her foray into secret societies and the government faction that wants her dead . . .
Wolves and Lost Boys: A middle grade novel that predates A Starry Subject. The protagonist Aidan and his older brother Connor’s game of chase is suddenly turned all to real. Wolves don’t haunt the neighborhood forest. At least they shouldn’t. Injured and lost. The boys struggle to make it home. But when they do they realize they are far more lost than they ever could have realized . . .
Atlantis Story: Grief. Loss. And gaps in her life. Charlotte is dealing with quite a lot. Her Godfather, her only family, is now dead and buried. His inheritance to her is a mystery wrapped in old journal entries. As Charlotte travels to their old familiar haunts, she not only discovers that not only did she not know her Godfather at all, but also herself.