Writing Update May 2021

That’s right. The dreaded serpent that all creators will inevitably face at one point in their lives. *glances around* though there might be a super lucky person that doesn’t! I applaud them.
However I am not one of those lucky few. In fact I’m in one of the biggest blocks of my life! It’s even infiltrated my art life! *scandalized gasp* Anyways, this writing update will be a bit lackluster considering all I did this past month was write one chapter in A Starry Subject.
But I wrote a chapter for A Starry Subject.
If you’d like more details on my block and what I’m doing about it, head on over to my blog where I’m doing an entire post dedicated to it.— It’ll probably be at least two posts if I’m being honest.— And if you want to learn more about my current WIPS then last months writing update has you covered!
Until next we meet.
~Tiffany Michele