So Thanksgiving is officially over! I hope all of you had a grand one!! And to all you Canadians—I hope yours in October was lovely!
To those who don’t live over here, I hope you had a lovely November?
Thanksgiving had the opportunity to be quite horrid this year. My Grandfather died last Thanksgiving at 2 am. It was hard to realize that an entire year has gone by! An entire year without his hugs and quiet presence . . .
But thankfully—hah see what I did there—the holiday went forward with much more joy and laughter than tears and grief.
Thank you to all who prayed for us. It was truly felt.
Unfortunately that’s where my “luck” ran out. I was feeling GREAT! My pain levels were low and I didn’t have a headache and the nausea I’ve been battling had been wonderfully absent . . .
Until right after dinner—we eat our Thanksgiving meal early for a late lunch—my stomach started hurting really bad and I sequestered myself into the bathroom.
I won’t go into detail because frankly it was gross. But suffice to say that I wanted to puke and poop at the same time.
I spat up bile more times than I care to count, my stomach cramped so hard that I couldn’t stand or sit up straight. Tears ran down my face and I wanted to scream.
But I refused to. I refused to let others know that I was hurting . . . I didn’t want to cause a scene . . . So I stayed in the bathroom praying and pleading to God as I spat up more and more bile.
I have no idea why bile was coming up and not the biscuits, mashed potatoes, noodles, ham and other rich foods I had eaten. It still alludes me as to why I didn’t throw up any food! :/
Finally it abated enough for me to weakly walk out and slump into my brother who immediately saw through my mask. I quietly told him my situation and he blessedly prayed for me and recommended I go outside and take some deep breaths.
It helped and there I spat up even more. Thankfully none of it got in my hair so that’s a major plus!
I sat on the couch with my mom, sis in law, and nephew and informed them quietly—my sis has Chron’s disease so she gets it and my mom I tell everything—they were shocked and we spent some time just chilling. Waiting for my stomach to stop hurting so much.
I didn’t get up off that couch the rest of the afternoon. About an hour later I felt MUCH better and a migraine took the place of the nausea/cramping. My youngest cousin Macie sat next to me and we started a game of Drawful and Quiplash on my Switch on the living room TV.
The laughter, nephew cuddles, and just peace of family eased me through the rest of the visit. All in all I had a blessed day and wanted to share some of the ups and downs.
The next day was my house’s thanksgiving—just my folk’s and my brother who lives on the family property—and I didn’t have the same reaction to our meal as I did the official Thanksgiving meal . . . I’m still flummoxed about the whole thing.
Anywho: I’m glad to be back and blogging after taking Thanksgiving week off. My next post is gonna be about Christmas decorating and gifts! I’m excited .
‘Till next we meet.
~Tiffany Michele