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Hello September~

A new month has come our way and I’m so excited to see what September brings! August was a mixed bag for me and mine. By the end of August though it felt very much like a month of new beginnings. New growth. The ending of a long drought.

We found a church not far away from us! It’s a fabulous church with expository preaching/teaching and a strong community gathered around it. I’m so excited to get connected and become a member! :D Our prayers seem to have been answered and it makes me want to cry at God’s goodness. <3

Zone therapy has also been helping! I’m a tough case though so I know I’m here for the long haul. But just seeing little improvements in my health has made such an impact on my mental health 😥 .

I don’t know if I shared this before but I’m on a weight loss journey as well. (I signed up with WW earlier this year alongside my mother.) I’ve been stuck in a cycle of 5 lbs and it seems like I’ve broken though it?? Here’s hoping and praying!

The biggest reason for the weight loss—other than I want to look better :D— is that Fibromyalgia seems to be more bearable when you aren’t overweight. I think this is due to inflammation and of course lugging around 40+ extra pounds your body doesn’t need or want can tire out a body that already has default issues. :’D .

This month I’m planning on creating a lot more! With less brain fog and depression I’ve noticed that I’ve actually been thinking and developing ideas in my head. The ending of Starry Subject has been on my mind the past week or so and I am finally able to see some details I’ve never seen before. Also with my art I’m becoming more confidant that I can be more “aggressive” —for lack of a better word—with learning better techniques and creating more and more artwork both digital and traditional to sell and just for fun. :) It’s been a while since I’ve had fun with art and writing.

I know I meant to have a post every Monday but that seems to be unrealistic at this time. A more realistic goal is to have a post every week out :D. So here it is. I’m planning on more essay like posts in the future alongside ramble like posts and posts like this one. I had so much fun with the Sleep post I did a while back and want to do more like that. Another subject I want in a essay like form is posts on writers! How did Conan Doyle write? What was his life like? Did Austin leave behind any clues to her process? What was her life like? Etc.

Of course I’d love to do interviews with present day writers as well! I have quite a few online friends that I want to interview for posts. But I’d also like to research Lori Wick and Dee Henderson and Brandon Sanderson and write about them too. Classical writers, present day, and everywhere in between.

Not that I’m going to do these posts every week, heavens no. That’d be too much for me. But it’s something I’ve been itching to do.

All of this to say: I’m excited for September. I hope you are too! Let me know one thing your excited about for this month :) I’d love to hear it.

‘Till next we meet.

~Tiffany Michele

5240cookie-checkHello September~

Tiffany Michele

Writer, Artist, Blogger, and Interning Homemaker.

4 thoughts on “Hello September~

  1. Oh, I love the idea of these writing posts and how other writers work! And praise the Lord for the encouragement He is providing you with right now!! I hope September is a wonderful month for you, Tiffany.

    1. Hi Bethany! Sorry I didn’t reply to this :o . September was a hard month for me, sadly. October wasn’t much better. But I’ve gotten a bit better and at a new normal now. I’m still planning on those posts though!! :D thank you for being such a great encouragement.

      1. Oh, that’s just fine. I’m sorry you haven’t been feeling well! I relate. I’m glad that you are leveling out now, and I hope things continue to improve for you!

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