Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year my Scribblings! *slides in with Christmas loot* I had a bountiful Christmas! How bout you?
Aka I got three t shirts from Etsy plus a variety of other things such as a teapot that looks like a cottage .
Anywho: as promised I will share how our Christmas morning looks like!
After we all arrive at the chosen place—My Aunt and Uncles house—and eat our fill of breakfast, we start.
To begin with we read from an old pop up book about Jesus and we celebrate “the good news!” At the end of each page in the book that line is there and we all say it together, lol. It’s a fun traditions but it has programmed me to echo the words whenever I hear it out and about.
My nephew Liam doesn’t like that part yet as his hearing is very sensitive. Hopefully it’ll grow on him as he gets older. I know it did for us cousins!
Then we read from one of the gospels about Jesus’ birth. We go into prayer next and we end with a song “Jesus name above all names”. My great grandpa Borntrager used to sing it so that’s what we’ve always done. (though usually we do the song first and then the prayer, this year we got discombobulated! ;p )
Then after that we get up snd hug each other, usually all of us have cried and we linger in our hugs.
Then presents! And bam that’s my extended family’s Christmas.
This year we went out to eat and then went our separate ways but usually we have a meal together at the house and then play games with each other for a few hours before leaving.
While we were at Chinese we saw some old family friends of ours! It was fun to be able to hug them and chat for a bit.
Our water was out Christmas morning and yeah that was a present I wish I could take back! Lol. It seems like we will be out of water for a bit longer, ugh, but fortunately and unfortunately we are old hats at this. We’ve got jugs of water and empty jugs to refill. We know when to flush and when not to and we know how to efficiently wash dishes with as little water as possible.
We really need to invest in a well in 2023. *sigh* .
What does your Christmas morning look like?
The New Year is coming up and this last week of 2022 is going to be spent a number of ways. Prepping my new bullet journal, playing video games, teaching my dogs to play with their IQ toys, and researching an elimination diet!
That’s right. I’m pulling the trigger this January to start an elimination diet to figure out my food triggers!! Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a fibromyalgia elimination diet protocol so I’m having to modppodge my own “protocol” together like a Frankenstein monster.
Have you done an elimination diet? If so, did it help and what protocol did you follow?
Well that’s all from me today, Scribblings. *waves*
‘Till next we meet!