Wotcha Scribblings! *pops in with tea with way too much sweetener* *whispers* don’t worry, it’s xylitol not sugar .
I was talking with my mom the other day about things that I see/want to do but as soon as I turn my back on them/they’re out of sight, I forget all about them!
Literally, I forget they exist.
It might be Object Permanence. Much like a baby doesn’t grasp that when you play peek a boo you still exist behind the hands your hiding behind, some folk can grow up with this issue still in our gremlin brains. Like I understand that things don’t disappear once I put them in the cabinet, but my brain kinda deletes them from my head? If that makes any sense…

Well we were talking and my mother laughed and pointed out that it was very similar to a Doctor Who villain/alien! They’re called “The Silence” and once you look away from them, you forget they were there. In the show the characters started to put a tally mark on their bodies every time they saw one, so when the looked away they would know they were in danger!
We laughed and yet I pondered the idea of how could I take this and use it? It’s not like I carry a pen around and would mark my skin with reminders.
That’d be a bit much for me.

During this time I was sitting at the diner table after breakfast and I had just shared that there was a reason I was on my phone! I had gotten on it four times and forgotten each time. A few minutes later I remembered again! I wanted to research the benefits of lemon water! Lol . Finally I told my mom and opened my phone, chanting under my breath, lemon water lemon water benefits!
Taking a que from the show and keeping what I had just ‘seen’ before my eyes without marking my skin, lol.
Some of my Silences’ are:
Watering my plants.
Walking/playing with my outside dogs.
Looking for my garden seeds! (Seriously I keep forgetting to do this and I keep forgetting it even exists, ugh.)
Drinking my tea. (I would highly recommend investing in a mug warmer as this has saved me from wasting my tea/coffee sooooo many times.)

I don’t really have anything useful to tell you today, but I wanted to share my experiences and let you know “you are not alone!” ( . . . Yes that is a Dr. Who quote. No I am not sorry.)
What are some of your ‘Silences’? I’m trying to work on a system to address this forgetfulness but honestly I keep forgetting that there’s an issue!
Do you have a system or a hack for remembering these things? And *gasp* actually doing them?? I’d love to know!
‘Till next we meet.
~Tiffany Michele.