Writing Update April 2021

Writing Update April 2021

My new writing setup.

I had a big set back last year that really hindered my plans for publishing this year.

My laptop decided it wanted to retire. Big time.

For the majority of 2020 I struggled with trying to fix it’s ailments. Hoping to prolong it’s lifetime. And I did. For a month or two. After the New Year though I had to admit defeat . . . It was hard for me to do. I loved that laptop. But I had to hear it’s cry (aka refusing to let me type without lagging and crashing) and let it retire peacefully. I was blessed with this new setup and now am getting back on track with my writing!

(If you want a in-depth look on my new setup and what I’m using, head over to the blog where I’ll talk about that more.)

For now though I thought it best if I update you on where we are in my main 3 WIPS.

A Starry Subject: An action adventure story with a kick of sci-fi and fantasy. Set in an alternate present day world we follow Cindy West and her foray into secret societies and the government faction that wants her dead . . . I’m currently a little over half way with this beast of a novel! 100k words in and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m in the middle bits and that’s generally where I have the hardest time writing and getting through. My mother refers to this as ‘The Tricky Middle’ and boy is she right. But thankfully I’m getting through it with copious amounts of God, Reading, and sheer will power. (Also writing groups are helping a ton but more about that in my blog.)

Wolves and Lost Boys: A middle grade novel that predates A Starry Subject. The protagonist Aidan and his older brother Connor’s game of chase is suddenly turned all to real. Wolves don’t haunt the neighborhood forest. At least they shouldn’t. Injured and lost. The boys struggle to make it home. But when they do they realize they are far more lost than they ever could have realized . . . I’m currently over 15k with this one and storyline wise I’m still in the first third of the story. Honestly I haven’t touched this WIP in a few months but then again *gestures above* I haven’t written all that much this year! I’m hoping to sink my toes in further as this is a prequel to A Starry Subject.

Atlantis Story: Grief. Loss. And gaps in her life. Charlotte is dealing with quite a lot. Her Godfather, her only family, is now dead and buried. His inheritance to her is a mystery wrapped in old journal entries. As Charlotte travels to their old familiar haunts, she not only discovers that she didn’t know her Godfather at all, but also herself. I’ve been cooking up this story for a decade now! I started when I was 13 and now at 23 I’m just beginning to truly write this epic story. I’m a little under 10k into this beast, which to be honest feels like a lie considering I know so much about this story and what it all entails. Atlantis is on the side burner for now. Though.

So there we are! I’m focusing on A Starry Subject and gearing up to finish this first draft (though technically it’s the second draft but we won’t linger on that). I hope to give you all monthly updates, so until then hop on over to my blog to see what I’m up to! (Will be posting once a week at least over there from now on.)

Till next we meet~ Tiffany Michele

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